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Nightfall continues! In this episode, our dashing demigods rush into the forest to investigate an eruption of Fury (and screams), and make a semi-unexpected acquaintance!
- Drew’s new album, “When This Ends,” can be heard on his Carpe Demon Bandcamp page!
- Des, alas, will not be in this episode or the several following, as Ramnet was not present on the voyage, but never fear! He will rejoin our episodes once the action returns from abroad!
- We had dog noises all over this one, and thus Drew muting himself more often than he remembered to unmute himself, but as this is a shorter episode and some really fun banter came of the incidents, we decided to leave them in — let us know how you, the audience, feel about that, for future reference!
- 666’s rolled = 8 (one on Lyssa rolling CHARM + Fascinate, one on Dask rolling KNOWLEDGE + Language: Diamach!)
- Adam referenced The Good Place‘s extremely funny “Jeremy Bearimy” bit (beware spoilers if you haven’t seen The Good Place — in which case you should just watch it)!
- Apatea is a returning character from previous, unpodcasted campaigns, who appears in this campaign by (player request) in a new, unrelated incarnation. The players knew she might show up, but not when or how!
- As the poet said… “Bark at the Moon” by Ozzy Ozbourne
“Theme of the Dice Punks” and its acoustic version by Drew Messinger-Michaels.
Art by Joanne Spotswood.
Visit us on the web at dicepunks.com and on Twitter at @dicepunks, or email us as dicepunks@gmail.com! Our Patreon is www.patreon.com/DicePunks — backers can gain access to our patron-only Discord, Dice Peeks aftershow, and more!
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