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Nightfall continues! In this episode, our far-flung heroes learn about the land of Diamachor, as well as their erstwhile hostess…
- Drew’s new album, “When This Ends,” can be heard on his Carpe Demon Bandcamp page!
- Des, alas, will not be in this episode or the several following, as Ramnet was not present on the voyage, but never fear! He will rejoin our episodes once the action returns from abroad!
- Adam had dog noises all over this one, and attempts were made to remedy it, but… success was mixed.
- Similarly, audio was oddly peaky this time around, for unclear reasons. All available avenues to keep it from being an issue were pursued, so hopefully it sounds all right!
- Adam mixed up “Apatea” and “Nyx” several times, and had to overdub one of them awkwardly. Oops…
- As the poet said… “Sinless City” by Dead Poetic
“Theme of the Dice Punks” and its acoustic version by Drew Messinger-Michaels.
Art by Joanne Spotswood.
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