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Nightfall continues! In this episode, our bedraggled demigods meet their first Nobilis of another Imperator, and things quickly come to a head…
- There was more lag this time than usual; Adam tried to edit around it, but apologies. For any. Awkward… pauses you may encounter!
- Adam does use a pop-filter on his mic, but, well, sorry for the loud plosive partway through the episode.
- 666s rolled = 6. Drew rolled both of this episode’s 666s!
- “Earlie in the mornin’!”
- Adam would just like to note that he did not edit out any silence, rehearsal, stumbling, etc. from the episode regarding Drew’s extemporized poems – Drew’s just that good!
- Disney is not only awful about intellectual property law, generally, they’re also largely the authors of the U.S.’s IP laws as they currently exist!
- Hot Springs Episodes are a thing, if you weren’t already aware…
- As the poet said… “The Victim,” by Dead Poetic
“Theme of the Dice Punks” and its acoustic version by Drew Messinger-Michaels.
Art by Joanne Spotswood.
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